Trusted Platform –

Winners: Random & Trusted.

RandomPicker helps organizers randomly select winners for contests, giveaways or raffles in a very transparent way. Learn more about our processes, anti-cheating measures and find the guide on how to check if the drawing was fair and unbiased.

How RandomPicker Works


The giveaway organizer uploads all participants into RandomPicker and adds prizes and random selection method.

Random Drawing

RandomPicker generates a unique random number for each entry and assigns prize(s) during the random sorting.

Public Protocol

A public record is generated after each drawing. It proves that the drawing was fair and unbiased. You can check your participation.

Anti-fraud Measures For Unbiased Drawings

RandomPicker includes both technical and non-technical measures to detect suspicious activities. All our measures help increase trust in our community and drawing projects.

Project lock

No additional changes are possible after the final drawing.

Check participation

Participants can check whether they were involved in the draw.

List of entries

Anonymized participant list available for each draw with duplicates and weights.

Log records

Activities are recorded and stored in system logs.

Public records

An online record is generated for each drawing with all details.

Recent drawings

Organizer’s recent drawings and their status available.

Deleted projects & accounts

Deleted data is archived for audit purposes and to detect suspicious behavior

And more …

Audited selection algorithms, internal rating system and other checkpoints available.

How to check the draw has been conducted correctly and without bias?

Go to the giveaway’s public record. It is a unique page generated from RandomPicker after each drawing. Its address looks like . If you don’t have the link, contact the giveaway organizer, who will provide you with the public record link.

  1. Check the number of entries involved in the drawing and winner(s).
  2. Check the anonymized list of entries, look for suspicious duplicates or extreme weights of specific entries. Both duplicities and weights can happen if they are allowed by the competition rules.
  3. Check previous projects done by the same organizer. Several recent deleted draws with the same name might be suspicious. Note that test draws are quite common as organizers want to learn how RandomPicker works.
  4. Check whether you were involved in the draw using the full-text search on the bottom of the public protocol. Sometimes organizers import emails, IDs, or other identifiers instead of names. Look at the table of winners to learn what kind of identification is used. The organizer should provide you with your identifier so you can check your participation.